With that said, I really ought to just make a template for the first paragraph of any new post.
<Hey I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I've been really busy/depressed/without internet/etc and haven't gotten around to writing. Sorry! > There, that should cover all our bases.
Checking something off of my Bucket List. |
I have mentioned this before, but I am now working as a nurse at St. Luke's in Kansas City and really really starting to love it. This was not always the case. In February, I had a meeting with my supervisors and orientation coordinators in the Medical ICU and was told I simply was not ready to work on my own in that setting. They recommended I interview on another unit, a stroke recovery/neuroscience unit. This was a very tough pill to swallow and I kind of sank into a bit of a funk as a result. I tried to compensate by focusing my energies on training for a new half marathon PR, but I ended up catching a cold to end all colds and was more or less out of commission for about a month. This is an excuse, I realize. I COULD have trained through that cold, but I chose not to. If I didn't have a fledgling career and a professional reputation that I was working on building from scratch, I would have just said "To hell with it" and gotten in my miles. But I am concerned about being "that guy" who always calls in sick(and I had to a few times). For once, I have to give priority to this new-fangled "job" thingy.
So anyways...my original goal for Rock the Parkway was 1:35...and then it was "beat my brother's time"(1:33 something?). Well, when race day rolled around my goal was "try and hang with the 1:40 pace group, and if I feel good at mile 10, try for a PR". I didn't hang with the pace group and ended up with my 3rd fastest half marathon(1:41:45). Not disappointed though. I think I ran well considering my circumstances and choices.
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Deep in the Pain Cave at Rock the Parkway |
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Coming up on the Land's End aid station |
Let me explain... I ran well. I ran REALLY freaking well(~8:30 pace on technical trails). I got good separation from the pack before we hit the singletrack, and I entered the woods in 6th place. Only 2 people passed me the entire race. So when I crossed the finish line and my watch said 1:35, I thought "Wait a minute...that probably wasn't a full 13.1 miles". I inquired with the race director and he admitted that the course was on the short side. Based on my perceived effort and pace, I'd guess it was around 11 miles. Still, if I had held my pace for 2 more miles, I still would have finished under 2 hours.
As of last week, though, I am now officially in Tri Mode until November. I swam on Thursday, and I had my first official brick of the season today. One hour on the trainer, followed by a 4 mile run at 70.3 race pace(8:00/mile). Legs felt really good, and I feel like I'm basically injury-free heading into this racing season, which is a definite bonus!
I'm excited for my upcoming races, but I'm also pleased to hear about friends doing cool things. At some point last year, Rachael, a girl from my hometown, asked me for advice about training for a half marathon. I gave her an earful and answered her questions along the way. She finished her race, and then I asked when she'd be doing a full marathon. Well, a few weeks ago, she did exactly that. Her first full marathon...something she was completely skeptical of when I first suggested it. Another runner friend, Indika, trained for and completed her first 40 miler last weekend. A fellow Fun Police friend, Megan M, completed her very first half marathon at Rock the Parkway, and then ran the Free State "half marathon" as well the following weekend. Congratulations to all of them!
And yesterday, I did this:
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"I love it when a plan comes together!" |